APC for windows alternative download

Gabriel Solomon picture Gabriel Solomon · Mar 29, 2009 · Viewed 18.3k times · Source

I am trying to install APC on windows but the site http://pecl4win.php.net/ is down for a while now with the message:

The pecl4win build box is temporarily out of service. We're preparing a new build system.

Is there an alternative download for this ? Or can anyone share theirs ?


Niel Thiart picture Niel Thiart · Jul 19, 2009


My answer below is outdated, and the pierre folder seems to be offline. You can now use PECL :: Package Browser, for example: PECL :: Package :: APC, which has DLLs listed.

Old Answer:

I got APC (and some other PECL packages') dll's for Win32 from http://downloads.php.net/pierre/

Not sure how permanent this source is, found it on some forum a while back and bookmarked it.

This is an old question, but I found it through a google search, so others might too!