E-commerce from scratch or not

Fred Collins picture Fred Collins · Jun 13, 2011 · Viewed 12.2k times · Source

I need to develop a new site with the e-commerce part. I'm here to get some hints from you on which road I should go on.

The site will have a static part which include some static pages and the e-commerce part for sell the products. I'm a Django and PHP developer but this is the first time I need to develop an e-commerce.

I see there's some solutions like Satchmo for Django and Magento for PHP. There's also some services like Shopify that provide a pre cooked solution.

These are my requirements:

  • I'll need to give to my site a custom layout/style, all written by me
  • I'll need a nice admin interface for view the incoming orders, the average orders for day and other nice stuff (I see Magento have a very nice panel for this)
  • I'll need a feature that reports me the products that are outgoing out of stock
  • Maybe I'll need to implement a custom payment method
  • Maybe I'll need to implement a custom shipping courier

Of course I prefer Django instead PHP. Anyone can give me an hint? I've never used anyone of this framework/products.

Thank you.


Deadline is 3 months. Budget ~7500 $. I've three months for finish it.


Michael Robinson picture Michael Robinson · Jun 13, 2011

Two DJango e-commerce solutions you might try:

As far as PHP goes, we've used osCommerce (demo).