Export Orders from Magento for shipment

theandym picture theandym · Mar 6, 2009 · Viewed 22.9k times · Source

I am working on an online store on the Magento platform and have hit a major roadblock: For some reason I cannot figure out how to export current orders (with shipping information/shipment type/etc). Does anyone have any suggestions? This seems as if it should be one of the most basic things for a system like this to do, but I have not been able to find out how.

Thank you in advance for your help,



Manos Dilaverakis picture Manos Dilaverakis · Mar 27, 2009

Seeing as you want this for shipping you might want to ask whoever handles your shipping whether they have some sort of API so you can build/buy/download an appropriate shipping module and spare yourself the hassle of mucking about with CSV files.

If you really want a CSV file however I can show you how to create it. You didn't mention where this script will run so I'll assume it's an external script (which will make it easier to use with a cron job). You want to do the following:

//External script - Load magento framework
require_once("C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\magento\app\Mage.php");


//Optional filters you might want to use - more available operations in method _getConditionSql in Varien_Data_Collection_Db. 
$orders->addFieldToFilter('total_paid',Array('gt'=>0)); //Amount paid larger than 0
$orders->addFieldToFilter('status',Array('eq'=>"processing"));  //Status is "processing"

foreach($allIds as $thisId) {
    //echo "<pre>";
    //echo "</pre>";

    //Some random fields
    echo "'" . $myOrder->getBillingAddress()->getLastname() . "',";
    echo "'" . $myOrder->getTotal_paid() . "',";
    echo "'" . $myOrder->getShippingAddress()->getTelephone() . "',";
    echo "'" . $myOrder->getPayment()->getCc_type() . "',";
    echo "'" . $myOrder->getStatus() . "',";
    echo "\r\n";

For the sake of brevity (and sanity) I haven't listed all the available order information. You can find out what fields are available by dumping the relevant objects and taking a look at their fields.

For example if you were to do print_r($myOrder->getBillingAddress()); you'd see fields like "address_type" and "lastname". You can use these with $myOrder->getBillingAddress()->getAddress_type() and $myOrder->getBillingAddress()->getLastname() respectively.

Edit: Changed code according to craig.michael.morris's answer