Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now

Joshxtothe4 picture Joshxtothe4 · Mar 5, 2009 · Viewed 205.8k times · Source

I am trying to execute my PHP code, which calls two MySQL queries via mysqli, and get the error "Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now".

Here is the code I am using

$con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "user", "password", "db");
if (!$con) {
    echo "Can't connect to MySQL Server. Errorcode: %s\n". Mysqli_connect_error();
$con->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
$brand ="o";
if ($numRecords = $con->prepare($countQuery)) {
    $numRecords->bind_param("s", $brand);
    $data = $con->query($countQuery) or die(print_r($con->error));
    $rowcount = $data->num_rows;
    $rows = getRowsByArticleSearch("test", "Auctions", " ");
    $last = ceil($rowcount/$page_rows);
}  else {

foreach ($rows as $row) {
    $pk = $row['ARTICLE_NO'];
    echo '<tr>' . "\n";
    echo '<td><a href="#" onclick="updateByPk(\'Layer2\', \'' . $pk . '\')">'.$row['USERNAME'].'</a></td>' . "\n";
    echo '<td><a href="#" onclick="updateByPk(\'Layer2\', \'' . $pk . '\')">'.$row['shortDate'].'</a></td>' . "\n";
    echo '<td><a href="#" onclick="deleterec(\'Layer2\', \'' . $pk . '\')">DELETE RECORD</a></td>' . "\n";
    echo '</tr>' . "\n";
function getRowsByArticleSearch($searchString, $table, $max) {
    $con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "user", "password", "db");
    $recordsQuery = "SELECT ARTICLE_NO, USERNAME, ACCESSSTARTS, ARTICLE_NAME, date_format(str_to_date(ACCESSSTARTS, '%d/%m/%Y %k:%i:%s'), '%d %m %Y' ) AS shortDate FROM AUCTIONS WHERE upper(ARTICLE_NAME) LIKE '%?%' ORDER BY str_to_date(ACCESSSTARTS, '%d/%m/%Y %k:%i:%s')" . $max;
    if ($getRecords = $con->prepare($recordsQuery)) {
        $getRecords->bind_param("s", $searchString);
        $getRecords->bind_result($ARTICLE_NO, $USERNAME, $ACCESSSTARTS, $ARTICLE_NAME, $shortDate);
        while ($getRecords->fetch()) {
            $result = $con->query($recordsQuery);
            $rows = array();
            while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
                $rows[] = $row;
            return $rows;

I have tried reading up on this, but I am unsure of what to do. I have read about store result and free result, however these have made no difference when using them. I am unsure at exactly which point this error is being caused, and would like to know why it is being caused, and how to fix it.

Going by my debug statements, the first if loop for countQuery is not even being entered, because of an error in my sql syntax near near '% ? %'. However if I just select * instead of trying to limit based on a LIKE clause, I still get the command out of sync error.


user42092 picture user42092 · Mar 5, 2009

You can't have two simultaneous queries because mysqli uses unbuffered queries by default (for prepared statements; it's the opposite for vanilla mysql_query). You can either fetch the first one into an array and loop through that, or tell mysqli to buffer the queries (using $stmt->store_result()).

See here for details.