Adding Filters to Magento Web Services API

Chuck D picture Chuck D · May 1, 2011 · Viewed 18.7k times · Source

I am trying to call the Magento SOAP API and get a list of orders within a certain time period. I can connect to API and get a list of all the orders just fine but I can't (for the life of me) figure out how to filter the results... Any ideas? My Code that return all the orders is below...

$proxy = new SoapClient('');

// create authorized session id using api user name and api key
$sessionId = $proxy->login('myusername', 'mypassword');

$filters = array(
    'created_at' => array( '>' => '2011-04-21 02:13:00'),
    'created_at' => array( '<' => '2011-04-21 02:22:00')

 // Get order list
$orderinfo = $proxy->salesOrderList($sessionId,array($filters));


Thanks in advance!



J&#252;rgen Thelen picture Jürgen Thelen · May 1, 2011

I got no experience with the Magento SOAP 2 Api, but if the filters in V2 work the same way as with V1, you could try this:

$filters = array(
    'created_at' => array(
        'from' => '2011-04-21 02:13:00',
        'to' => '2011-04-21 02:22:00'