Javascript/PHP Family Tree Builder with Multiple Parents

Explosion Pills picture Explosion Pills · Apr 12, 2011 · Viewed 30.7k times · Source

Is there an existing PHP, Javascript, or even command line tool that can build a family tree in HTML (preferably) or at the very least create an image for it? Multiple parents are a requirement. I have been googling this for hours, but to no avail.

For instance, the Google Organizational Chart would be ideal, but it only allows each node to have at most one parent. I need two parents to be possible.

Whatever this website does would also be perfect:, but it seems to not be done with javascript and they don't publish the code that actually creates the visualization.

Even connecting to an external website to use their API to generate a visualization would be perfect.


Matt Ball picture Matt Ball · Apr 12, 2011

You might be interested in Raphaël, especially this demo.

Edit: I just came across a couple other promising-looking options from this question.

  • Protovis - I knew about this one when I first answered, but didn't think of it at the time. It's really flexible. Check out the examples.
  • Dracula Graph - haven't tried it. It might be too simple for your uses.