PHP Make a simple if-isset-empty function

Kael picture Kael · Apr 11, 2011 · Viewed 15.1k times · Source

I'm coding a worksheet app for a printer company. I'm getting flood of forms. For every single input field I have to check if the $_POST variables are set, and if, so echo back the value. (In case of some error, for example after a validation error, the user shouldn't retype the whole form)

Sample code:

if(isset($_POST['time'])&&!empty($_POST['time'])){echo $_POST['time'];}

I had to implement this about a hundred times. So I tried to figure out some kind of function to make this simple and readable.

Something like this:

function if_post_echo($key, $default = "") {
    echo $_POST[$key];   
    echo $default;   

But this wont work. I have tried to pass in the $_POST for the $key variable like this:


function if_request_echo($key, $default = "") {
        echo $key;   
        echo $default;   

And I also tried this:

function if_request_echo($key, $default = null) {
    return isset($_REQUEST[$key])&&!empty($_REQUEST[$key]) ? $_REQUEST[$key] : $default;

Without any reasonable outcome.

The question:

How can I forge a function that looks for the necessary $_POST variable and returns it or if its unset then returns an empty string. And is there a way to do this for $_GET and $_REQUEST, too? (Or simply duplicate?)


Treffynnon picture Treffynnon · Apr 11, 2011

Your PHP testing function:

function test_req($key, $default = '') {
    if(isset($_REQUEST[$key]) and
       !empty($_REQUEST[$key])) {
        return $_REQUEST[$key];
    } else {
        return $default;

Then in your form HTML:

<input name="my_field" value="<?php echo htmlentities(test_req('my_field')); ?>" />

$_REQUEST (linked) is a PHP super global that contains both POST ($_POST) and GET ($_GET) request parameters.

If you only want to capture POST request parameters then it would be:

function test_req($key, $default = '') {
    if(isset($_POST[$key]) and
       !empty($_POST[$key])) {
        return $_POST[$key];
    } else {
        return $default;

For example.