I'm trying to generate a PDF file containing labels which are 202mm wide by 50mm heigh. I have managed to do this and added the required text and a barcode but my problem is that the labels print out narrow edge first so the whole page need rotating 90 degrees.
I can do this in Adobe Reader with ease by simple right clicking on the page and selecting Rotate Clockwise (Shift+Ctrl++) but I really need to do it in the code.
Does anyone know how to do this with TCPDF? I have tried the Rotate function but can't seem to get it working. Any examples of code would be helpful.
How about setting it to landscape when building the page?
TCPDF::__construct($orientation = 'L',
$ unit = 'mm',
$ format = 'A4',
$ unicode = true,
$ encoding = 'UTF-8',
$ diskcache = false)
$orientation (string) page orientation. Possible values are (case insensitive):