Hotmail rejecting all emails using Mailgun or SparkPost

Syed Abdur Rehman Kazmi picture Syed Abdur Rehman Kazmi · May 18, 2018 · Viewed 12.7k times · Source

I have been trying to send mail using Laravel. I have been successful in integrating Mailgun/SparkPost in my application. It is sending mail to every other domain except for Hotmail/Outlook/MSN/Live. Somehow they are saying that the IP I am trying to send mail from is on their blocked list.

This is the error message i keep on getting:

Failed: [email protected][email protected] 'User Verification Reminder Mail' Server response: 550 5.7.1 Unfortunately, messages from [] weren't sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list (S3140). You can also refer your provider to []

When I tried to reach out to Hotmail's support and explained my issue to them, this is the reply I got from them.

Dear Abdur Rehman Kazmi

We have completed reviewing the IP(s) you submitted. The following table contains the results of our investigation.

Not qualified for mitigation Our investigation has determined that the above IP(s) do not qualify for mitigation. These IP(s) have previously received mitigations from deliverability support, and have failed to maintain patterns within our guidelines, so they are ineligible for additional mitigation at this time.

Please ensure your emails comply with the policies, practices and guidelines found here:

To have Deliverability Support investigate further, please reply to this email with a detailed description of the problem you are having, including specific error messages, and an agent will contact you.

Regardless of the deliverability status, recommends that all senders join two free programs that provide visibility into the traffic on your sending IP(s), the sending IP reputation with and the user complaint rates.

Junk Email Reporting program (JMRP) When an user marks an email as "junk", senders enrolled in this program get a copy of the mail forwarded to the email address of their choice. It allows senders to see which mails are being marked as junk and to identify mail traffic you did not intend to send. To join, please visit

Smart Network Data Services program (SNDS). This program allows you to monitor the ‘health’ and reputation of your registered IPs by providing data about traffic such as mail volume and complaint rates seen originating from your IPs. To register, please visit

There is no silver bullet to maintaining or improving good IP reputation, but these programs help you proactively manage your email eco-system to help better ensure deliverability to users.

I am using Laravel 5.4 and i am able to send mails to every other network i.e gmail/yahoo


Syed Abdur Rehman Kazmi picture Syed Abdur Rehman Kazmi · May 25, 2018

Seems like there is some problem with the IpAddress that Mailgun assigns you.

All I had to do was to go into the domain i setup at Mailgun there was an IP address assigned to my domain. I removed it. It assigned me a new one and done.

enter image description here