How to share details to whatsApp from my website

kumaran jayam picture kumaran jayam · Apr 6, 2018 · Viewed 13.1k times · Source

Here i am doing sharing some details WHATSAPP from my WEBSITE , for this i searched lot but i didn't my answer, if any one know means please update my code,Please see below after searching i used this code but it not working

I tried like this

    <a href="'m%20interested%20in%20your%20car%20for%20sale
 ">Share To WhatsApp</a>


Shringiraj Dewangan picture Shringiraj Dewangan · Apr 6, 2018
Just saw it on a website and seems to work on latest Android with latest chrome and whatsapp now too! Give the link a new shot!

<a href="whatsapp://send?text=The text to share!" 
data-action="share/whatsapp/share">Share via 

Rechecked it today (17th April 2015):

Works for me on iOS 8 (iPhone 6, latest versions) Android 5 (Nexus 5, latest versions).

It also works on Windows Phone.