How to search file in folder by using php?

user2688045 picture user2688045 · Jan 25, 2018 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

I have a folder called allfiles, and there are some files in this folder, such as


I use scandir to list all files, and now I need to find the file by with keywords, example to-dlkkl is the keyword, and I will get the file 3454-go-to-dlkkl-sdf.html.

Glob seems not work, and opendir and readdir are not work well, any ideas?


Vladimir picture Vladimir · Jan 25, 2018

Use loop foreach and strpos function:

$files = scandir('allfiles');
foreach ($files as $file) {
    if (strpos('to-dlkkl', $file) !== false) {
         //file found