Exmple feed: view-source:http://rss.packetstormsecurity.org/files/tags/exploit/
I only want to return sections of xml where the parent title node has matching text in it, in this example the text to match is "site".
//get feed with curl
$doc = new SimpleXmlElement($xml, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
//$result = $doc->xpath('//title'); //this works returns all the <title>'s
$result = $doc->xpath('//title[site]'); //doesn't work
$result = $doc->xpath('//title[text()="site"]'); //doesn't work
$result = $doc->xpath('//title[contains(site)]'); //doesn't work
$result = $doc->xpath('//title[contains(text(),'Site')]'); //doesn't work
foreach ($result as $title)
echo "$title<br />"
The call you need is, I think, this:
$result = $xpath->query('//title[contains(.,"Site")]');
Note that this is case-sensitive.
Note that the contains
XPath function takes two arguments: a haystack and a needle. In this case, we are using the current node's text value as the haystack, which is indicated by the use of the dot (.