Laravel | Passing variable in Notify

Laynom Graphic picture Laynom Graphic · Dec 2, 2017 · Viewed 11.1k times · Source

I want to send a mail to Notify, it works but when I try to put the variables, It returns that they are undefined. I don't understand how to pass a variable to Notify, I tried to do ->withResult($result) but it didn't work out. Here is the controller:

    $result = Review::where('user_hash', '=', $data['lname_c'])->where('email', $data['email_c'])->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first();
    $result->notify(new SendReview());

And my SendReview.php notifications:

public function toMail($notifiable)

    return $result['invitation_id']; // test to check if variable is passed
    return (new MailMessage)
                ->action('Nani', url($url))
                ->line('Thank you');

There is user_hash and invitation_id in my Review table, I want to pass them to the notify. When I do return $result['invitation_id']; it works. Hope I am understandable, I checked for duplicate questions and couldn't find one.


Paul Santos picture Paul Santos · Dec 2, 2017

This is how they do it in docs.

$arr = [ 'foo' => "bar" ];
$result->notify(new SendReview($arr));

And in your SendReview.php


protected $arr;

public function __construct(array $arr) {
        $this->arr = $arr;

public function toMail($notifiable) {
        // Access your array in here