php / phpDoc - @return instance of $this class?

ledneb picture ledneb · Jan 16, 2011 · Viewed 8.6k times · Source

How do I mark a method as "returns an instance of the current class" in my phpDoc?

In the following example my IDE (Netbeans) will see that setSomething always returns a foo object.

But that's not true if I extent the object - it'll return $this, which in the second example is a bar object not a foo object.

class foo {
    protected $_value = null;

     * Set something
     * @param string $value the value
     * @return foo
    public function setSomething($value) {
        $this->_value = $value;
        return $this;

$foo = new foo();
$out = $foo->setSomething();

So fine - setSomething returns a foo - but in the following example, it returns a bar..:

class bar extends foo {
    public function someOtherMethod(){}

$bar = new bar();
$out = $bar->setSomething();
$out->someOtherMethod(); // <-- Here, Netbeans will think $out
                         // is a foo, so doesn't see this other
                         // method in $out's code-completion

... it'd be great to solve this as for me, code completion is a massive speed-boost.

Anyone got a clever trick, or even better, a proper way to document this with phpDoc?


Paul DelRe picture Paul DelRe · May 2, 2011


As of Netbeans 7.4, the IDE supports @return self, static, and this (

class foo {
    protected $_value = null;

     * Set something
     * @param string $value the value
     * @return this
    public function setSomething($value) {
        $this->_value = $value;
        return $this;

class bar extends foo {
    public function someOtherMethod(){}

Previous Answer:

We have a similar issue with a record iterator's current() method. Since the iterator is extended for many different classes, it doesn't make sense to have a @return $class associated with it. We've used @satrun77's Option 2 before, but I've used @method with some success in Netbeans.

class foo {
    protected $_value = null;

     * Set something
     * @param string $value the value
     * @return foo
    public function setSomething($value) {
        $this->_value = $value;
        return $this;

 * @method bar setSomething($value)
class bar extends foo {
    public function someOtherMethod(){}