HTTP Error 302 using uploadify

Yuriy Mayorov picture Yuriy Mayorov · Jan 7, 2011 · Viewed 18.3k times · Source

I use uploadify to upload files into my web site.

It works with one hosting company. And doesn't with other company (

Error is: HTTP error: 302.

Does Anybody know how to resolve this problem. Thanks.


plasmid87 picture plasmid87 · Jun 19, 2011

For anyone having this problem with Uploadify and a PHP Framework (e.g., CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Kohana, Yii, etc.):

Flash will not pass through your existing PHP Session information, so if you are getting the 302 error it is likely that your application is returning the login URL to the Flash player. To resolve this issue, you could include the session information in scriptData and manage it manually in your application.