PHP Fileinfo extension must be installed/enabled to use Intervention Image

Suresh Pokharel picture Suresh Pokharel · Jun 8, 2017 · Viewed 17.3k times · Source

I've used intervention image package in Laravel 5 project. It is working in local server. Now when I uploaded in shared server via cpanel, I am getting error:

MissingDependencyException in ImageManager.php line 123:
PHP Fileinfo extension must be installed/enabled to use Intervention Image.

Server has PHP Version 5.6.19

I went through requires ext-fileinfo. How do I add that into my composer.json file? but couldn't get solution. Where is the php.ini file inside my cpanel?


Aarej picture Aarej · Oct 19, 2017

You can enable fileinfo extension from cpanel 1 Go to SOFTWARE=>Select PHP Version=>fileinfo check box and enable fileinfo extension. You can see in image.