What's the best way to capture a signature online?

HM2K picture HM2K · Nov 29, 2010 · Viewed 15k times · Source

I'm building a website application in PHP that requires a signature from the end user.

For this part of the website it will be exclusively viewed on Windows based tablets.

So, my question is this:

What's the best way to capture a signature online?

I've looked at flash or HTML5 canvas/excanvas, but I am seeking a more experienced answer.



Charity Leschinski picture Charity Leschinski · Aug 30, 2013

From: http://willowsystems.github.io/jSignature

jSignature is a JavaScript widget (a jQuery plugin) that simplifies creation of a signature capture field in a browser window, allowing a user to draw a signature using mouse, pen, or finger.

Works in all mainstream browsers that support Canvas or Flash Captures signatures as smooth vector images. (Yes, SVG is supported!) Ingenious, super-efficient (i.e. not lagging) real-time curve smoothing. Allows manipulation of signature strokes, like “Undo last stroke” Automatically adapts to your page’s layout and colors. Free and Open Source.

The documentation is very clear and the demo shows you how it works.