I am programming a script to upload images to my application. Are the following security steps enough to make the application safe from the script side?
This is my script:
$filename = strtolower($filename);
$filetype = strtolower($filetype);
//check if contain php and kill it
$pos = strpos($filename,'php');
if(!($pos === false)) {
//get the file ext
$file_ext = strrchr($filename, '.');
//check if its allowed or not
$whitelist = array(".jpg",".jpeg",".gif",".png");
if (!(in_array($file_ext, $whitelist))) {
die('not allowed extension,please upload images only');
//check upload type
$pos = strpos($filetype,'image');
if($pos === false) {
die('error 1');
$imageinfo = getimagesize($_FILES['my_files']['tmp_name']);
if($imageinfo['mime'] != 'image/gif' && $imageinfo['mime'] != 'image/jpeg'&& $imageinfo['mime'] != 'image/jpg'&& $imageinfo['mime'] != 'image/png') {
die('error 2');
//check double file type (image with comment)
if(substr_count($filetype, '/')>1){
die('error 3')
// upload to upload direcory
$uploaddir = 'upload/'.date("Y-m-d").'/' ;
if (file_exists($uploaddir)) {
} else {
mkdir( $uploaddir, 0777);
//change the image name
$uploadfile = $uploaddir . md5(basename($_FILES['my_files']['name'])).$file_ext;
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['my_files']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
echo "<img id=\"upload_id\" src=\"".$uploadfile."\"><br />";
} else {
echo "error";
Any new tips are welcome :)
Re-process the image using GD (or Imagick) and save the processed image. All others are just fun boring for hackers.
Edit: And as rr pointed out, use move_uploaded_file()
for any upload.
Late Edit: By the way, you'd want to be very restrictive about your upload folder. Those places are one of the dark corners where many exploits happen. This is valid for any type of upload and any programming language/server. Check https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Unrestricted_File_Upload