CodeIgniter : how to write where_in OR where_in query?

frobak picture frobak · Oct 10, 2016 · Viewed 19.8k times · Source

I'm using codeigniter to query a database, and I need to conditionally compare arrays in the where clause.

So basically I want to do: where_in OR where_in depending on what array has data in it. So I will have either an array of user_id OR an array of area_id's.

I'm not sure how to combine the where_in comparison. This is the query i need to amends:

public function get_checks_test($org_id,$users,$areas) {
    // get todays date
    $todays_date = date("Y-m-d");
    // build where array
    $check_array = array('c.org_id =' => $org_id, 'c.status !=' => '0', 'c.due <=' => $todays_date);
    // build query
    $this->db->order_by('c.due', 'asc');
    $this->db->where_in('user_id', $users);
    $this->db->or_where_in('area_id', $areas);
    $this->db->join('check_assigned_areas a','a.check_id = c.check_id','left');
    $this->db->join('check_assigned_users b','b.check_id = c.check_id','left');
    $this->db->join('areas d','d.area_id = a.check_area_id','left');
    $this->db->join('users u',' = b.check_user_id','left');
    $check_object = $this->db->get('checks c');
    return $check_object->result();

I don't think there is a or_where_in function that I can find.

Can I do it like this or do I need a rethink?



Touheed Khan picture Touheed Khan · Oct 10, 2016

Yes, there is a or_where_in function in Codeigniter.


$this->db->or_where_in('price', $arr_price);
//SQL Query: OR price IN(20,40,80,30);


or_where_in([$key = NULL[, $values = NULL[, $escape = NULL]]])


$key (string) – The field to search
$values (array) – The values searched on
$escape (bool) – Whether to escape values and identifiers


DB_query_builder instance

Return type:


Generates a WHERE field IN(‘item’, ‘item’) SQL query, joined with ‘OR’ if appropriate. Generates a WHERE field IN(‘item’, ‘item’) SQL query, joined with ‘OR’ if appropriate.

If more help needed, I'm happy to help. Happy Coding.