I have a problem with usort not liking the second parameter (the sorting function). I have seen a lot of questions about this being a problem when in a class, and the answer for that is to pass an array of array($this, functionName)
But in my case this is not working. The script is not a class, but I am getting this error:
PHP Warning: usort() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, function 'cmp' not found or invalid function name in <filename.php>
So what is the problem with the second parameter, the function name, not being found? This is example code straight from the PHP website.
If the code is not in a class, but you are using a namespace, usort expects the second parameter to have that namespace defined. But not in an array in similar style to using usort in a class.
This worked for me, where 'cmp' is the sorting function:
usort($arrayToSort, 'My\Full\Namespace\cmp');