How to know the original country of a website?

Amr picture Amr · Sep 25, 2010 · Viewed 13.1k times · Source

I want to know the original country of a website. I noticed that Alexa website can often detect the original country of websites. For example, Alexa can detect that the original country of website is USA and so on. How Alexa do this? and how i can do this? Thank You..


Marc B picture Marc B · Sep 25, 2010

The other answers are fine, but bear in mind that many DNS registrations are protected by anonymization services, and that many sites are also hosted by providers in countries other than the one where the site's owner is. could be physically hosted on an American ISP's server, DNS provided by a Canadian company, and the site's owning company could be in Lesotho. You just can't tell these days.