Pinging after Laravel Valet install returns "Unknown Host"

Nate Ritter picture Nate Ritter · Jun 9, 2016 · Viewed 12.4k times · Source

Update: Don't use ".dev". When this was originally posted in 2016, it was fine. Now it's not. Start by changing your TLD to somethinge else like ".localhost" or whatever. (This change would not have fixed my issue, but it might fix yours if you're still using ".dev").

Problem: I've installed Laravel Valet and it all seems to be working except when I ping (which just contains an index.htm file and is located in ~/Sites), after hanging for a long time I get the response ping: cannot resolve Unknown host

Here's what I've already done:

  • I've gone through the Laravel Valet docs and everything installed fine.
  • Apache is not running
  • /etc/hosts contains no mention of
  • I'm on valet v1.1.12
  • I've restarted my computer
  • I've installed php 7.0.7 via homebrew fresh and --with-fpm
  • My $PATH contains $PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin
  • sudo lsof -n -i:80 | grep LISTEN returns the caddy proc
  • brew services list returns dnsmasq and is started
  • I've updated brew, run brew doctor and all is good there
  • I can start and stop valet successfully.
  • valet paths returns successfully: [ "/Users/nateritter/.valet/Sites", "/Users/nateritter/Sites" ]
  • Using valet link inside the test directory has no effect on this issue

Now, in addition to all this, I decided to try all the valet arguments out. valet share seemed to bork with an error at one point, which is interesting but I'm not sure it has anything to do with the original issue.

ERROR: Tunnel 'command_line' specifies invalid address '': unexpected '[' in address

After this I get 21 lines of Failed to connect to port 4040: Connection refused and then an exception:

Unable to connect to "": 7 Failed to connect to port 4040: Connection refused                                                                                                                              



Nate Ritter picture Nate Ritter · Jun 9, 2016

The problem ended up being something to do with dnsmasq. Using the very thorough this answer to another related SO post, I ended up doing the following to solve my issue:

brew unlink dnsmasq

brew install dnsmasq

brew prune

brew services restart dnsmasq

valet install

Then, just to test before I did a ping, I did dig and the response included:

;; ANSWER SECTION:       3599    IN  A

I'm not sure why the IP is and not but when I did a ping it did return ...

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.036 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.072 ms

Browsing to worked as well.

One thing to note that I haven't looked into yet is that index.htm is not recognized by valet/caddy as a potential index file. Not part of the issue, but something interesting to note.