Vesta CP and RoundCube Mail database error

sonam Sharma picture sonam Sharma · May 19, 2016 · Viewed 9k times · Source

Hello all i am having a vps server with vesta installes but i am having database connection error with roundcube here .. enter image description here

I read this article and helped me to understand the issue And the solution is

This issue appeared for me because roundcubemail wasn't fully installed and configured during the Vesta install process. To get it working I needed to set the following line to true instead of false in /etc/roundcubemail/

    $rcmail_config['enable_installer'] = false;

Then run the roundcubemail installer by going to

And to complete the installer successfully after I got to the point that it complained that I had no readable I needed to copy the the installer generated into /etc/roundcubemail/ and set that file to the same readability as the other config files in that directory and then set the same option:

       $rcmail_config['enable_installer'] = false;

once again to true, but in the new file rather than /etc/roundcubemail/

The installation then completed correctly and at that point I set the enable_installer lines I referenced above back to false in both


and in /etc/roundcubemail/ so that they would no longer be in installer mode. Not sure if this is a Vesta bug – my understanding was that dependencies like Roundcubemail would be completely installed and configured in the Vesta install process but maybe that's incorrect.

but i dont know how to access the etc folder from my server by ssh As when i login i only see thse when ls

     f.txt  vst_install_backups

and when entered into vst_install_backups i get these

 clamd  dovecot  exim  httpd  mongodb  mysql  named  nginx  php  php-fpm  postgresql  proftpd  spamassassin  vesta  vsftpd

Please help me solve the roundcube and vesta issue ..


Yuriy Litvinenko picture Yuriy Litvinenko · May 11, 2017

I have just same problem. I have solved it by next steps:

1) Login in phpmyadmin under root (password for root should be same as for vesta). 2) Create database roundcube 3) Create user roundcube with privilegies

CREATE USER 'roundcube'@'localhost';

SET PASSWORD FOR roundcube@localhost = PASSWORD('<password>');

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcube.* TO roundcube@localhost;

you can find password there: /etc/roundcube/

4) Login by ssh to the server and run script:

mysql roundcube < /usr/share/dbconfig-common/data/roundcube/install/mysql

This is sql from installation of vesta