Mockery and Laravel constructor injection

myol picture myol · Apr 19, 2016 · Viewed 12.1k times · Source

I am using laravel 5 with php unit to create a laravel package. I have a Repository..

namespace Myname\Myapp\Repositories;

use Myname\Myapp\Models\PersonModel;

class PersonRepository
    protected $personModel;

    public function __construct(PersonModel $personModel)
        $this->personModel = $personModel;

    public function testFunction($var)
        return $this->personModel->find($var);

..which implements a Model.

namespace Myname\Myapp\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class PersonModel extends Model
    protected $table = 'person';

Laravels IoC automatically injects PersonModel into the constructor of PersonRepository.

I am writing a unit test where I want to mock the PersonModel model using mockery so I am not hitting the database during testing.

namespace Myname\Myapptests\unit;

use Mockery;

class PersonRepositoryTest extends \Myname\Myapptests\TestCase
     * @test
     public function it_returns_the_test_find()
         $mock = Mockery::mock('Myname\Myapp\Models\PersonModel')

         $this->app->instance('Myname\Myapp\Models\PersonModel', $mock);
         $repo = $this->app->make('Myname\Myapp\Repositories\PersonRepository');
         $result = $repo->testFunction('var');


When I run the test I get an error

1) Myname\Myapptests\unit\PersonRepositoryTest::it_returns_the_test_find ErrorException: Argument 1 passed to Myname\Myapp\Repositories\PersonRepository::__construct() must be an instance of Myname\Myapp\Models\PersonModel, instance of Mockery\CompositeExpectation given

From what I have read, mockery extends the class it is mocking so there should be no issue injecting the extended class in place of the type hinted parent (PersonModel)

Obviously I am missing something. Other examples explicitly inject the mocked object into the class they are then testing. Laravels IoC is (should be) doing this for me. Do I have to bind anything?

I have a feeling though that the mockery object isn't being created in the way I think (extending PersonModel) otherwise I assume I wouldn't see this error.


Fabio Antunes picture Fabio Antunes · Apr 19, 2016

Problem is when you create your mock:

$mock = Mockery::mock('Myname\Myapp\Models\PersonModel')

So this:

$mock = Mockery::mock('Myname\Myapp\Models\PersonModel')

Will output something like this: Mockery_0_Myname_Myapp_Models_PersonModel

But this:

$mock = Mockery::mock('Myname\Myapp\Models\PersonModel')

Will output this: Mockery\CompositeExpectation

So try doing something like this:

$mock = Mockery::mock('Myname\Myapp\Models\PersonModel');

$this->app->instance('Myname\Myapp\Models\PersonModel', $mock);
$repo = $this->app->make('Myname\Myapp\Repositories\PersonRepository');
$result = $repo->testFunction('var');