I am getting tried of if isset($_GET['whatever'])...
before the rest of my if statement. E_NOTICE errors are way to handy to turn off and for $_POST
variables I have a solution in my init script..
$POST = (is_array( $_POST ) && count( $_POST ) > 0);
I find this helps self posting scripts look clean.
if ($POST) {
// now do something with $_POST...
I'm not sure how to dynamically do this if you have no idea what the key is? Can anyone help find a similar solution for $_GET
I simply want if ($_GET['whatever'] == "whatever");
to return false if it's not set and no E_NOTICE
Sorry if I'm unclear I'm looking for a solution for $_GET
not $_POST
--I only am using $_POST
as an example of what I hope to achieve.
Sometimes I use a global GET
function GET($key, $default = null) {
return isset($_GET[$key]) ? $_GET[$key] : $default;