Where are laravel password salts stored?

Nick Pickering picture Nick Pickering · Aug 16, 2015 · Viewed 16.9k times · Source

Laravel uses bcrypt to hash passwords.

According to this article, at some point in the process, the Hash::make function creates and uses a 22-length random string as a salt to generate the password.

For a single distinct password, Hash::make does return unique hashes, hinting that it does use some kind of salting somewhere in the process.

But these salts are not stored in the users table, where I would expect them. How does laravel know the appropriate hash to use to verify the password?

Laravel Hash Explained


duffn picture duffn · Aug 16, 2015

The article that you linked seems to contain the answer. https://mnshankar.wordpress.com/2014/03/29/laravel-hash-make-explained/

The cleverness of this is that the algorithm, salt and cost are embedded into the hash and so can be easily parsed out into individual components for reconstruction/verification (Please see relevant sections of the php crypt source code at https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/ext/standard/crypt.c#L258). Because of this, you don’t need to store the salt/cost separately in a database table.