magento sales_order_place_after observer

jorelli picture jorelli · Jul 1, 2010 · Viewed 42k times · Source

I'm trying to write an observer that will export order data when an order is placed. I haven't written any modules before. Basing my implementation on this article:

so far I'm just trying to trigger some dummy code to write to a file. I'm not getting anything showing in my log, and the file's not being modified. The apache user has permission for the directory. I've disabled configuration caching in the Magento settings. I'm a little confused on some of the naming conventions; I just tried to follow the example. Anyone know where I'm going wrong?

in magento/app/etc/modules/Feed.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

in magento/app/code/local/Feed/Sales/etc/config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                        <class>sales/order_observer</class><!-- I've also tried Feed_Sales_Model_Order_Observer here -->

in magento/app/code/local/Feed/Sales/Model/Order/Observer.php:

class Feed_Sales_Model_Order_Observer
    public function __contruct()


     * Exports new orders to an xml file
     * @param Varien_Event_Observer $observer
     * @return Feed_Sales_Model_Order_Observer
    public function export_new_order($observer)
        Mage::log("reached export_new_order");
            $dumpFile = fopen('/home/jorelli/new_orders/testdump', 'w+');
            fwrite($dumpFile, 'this is a test!');
        catch (Exception $e)
            Mage::log("order export failed.\n");
        return $this;

Magento 1.4 on Debian Lenny with Apache2 if it should matter for any reason.


Alan Storm picture Alan Storm · Jul 1, 2010

Read my articles, they'll help you understand what's going on from a naming convention standpoint and get you grounded in some of Magento's conventions/assumptions.

Looking at the samples above, you have a few things not quite right.

First, your file in the etc folder is named wrong


This file needs to be named Packagename_Modulename, so you probably want


Look at System -> Configuration -> Advanced to see if your module shows up. If it does, you'll have named this file correctly. Without this, the module you created isn't being loaded into the system, and your code never has a chance to run.

Next, you're specifying the class incorrectly. You say


but that first part of the URI (sales) is incorrect. You defined your models section as

        <feedsales> <!-- this is your model part -->

which means you want


Checkout the Class/URI tab of Commerce Bug and try entering some URIs (like sales/order) to get a better idea of what's going on here.

Another quick tip, when you're trying to get your handler setup, do it for an event that fires on every page load. Then, once you have your method being called, you can switch it to the specific event you want and not have to go through the entire purchase process.

Finally, and I realize you were copying examples, consider putting your module in a folder named something other than Sales. I find mimicking the names of Magento core folders only add an extra layer of confusion, which is not what you need while you're learning the system.