How to get future date in Faker

Angad Dubey picture Angad Dubey · Jun 26, 2015 · Viewed 27.1k times · Source

How do I get future dates with:

dateTime($max = 'now')  

i.e. what should the $max value be for datetime in the future


mshaps picture mshaps · Nov 4, 2015

You can pass strtotime string conditions to $faker->dateTimeBetween().

//ranging from today ending in 2 years
$faker->dateTimeBetween('+0 days', '+2 years')

//ranging from next week ending in 1 month
$faker->dateTimeBetween('+1 week', '+1 month')

//ranging from next sunday to next wednesday (if today is wednesday)
$faker->dateTimeBetween('next sunday', 'next wednesday')

see for a full list of string usages and combinations.