I try to update the laravel with php excel while installing i found the below warning in the composer.
Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "SettingsController" was found in both
"C:\xampp\htdocs\mti\app\controllers\SettingsController.php" and
"C:\xampp\htdocs\mti\app\controllers\SettingsControllerBackup.php", the first
will be used.Warning: Ambiguous class resolution, "ClassModel" was found in both
"C:\xampp\htdocs\mti\app\models\ClassModel.php" and "C:\xampp\htdocs\mti\
app\models\LoginModel.php", the first will be used.
class SettingsController extends BaseController
public function ChangePasswordLayout()
return View::make('settings/changepassword/changepassword');
public function ChangePasswordProcess()
$PasswordData = Input::all();
Validator::extend('pwdvalidation', function($field, $value, $parameters)
return Hash::check($value, Auth::user()->password);
$messages = array('pwdvalidation' => 'The Old Password is Incorrect');
$validator = Validator::make($PasswordData, User::$rulespwd, $messages);
if ($validator->passes())
$user = User::find(Auth::user()->id);
$user->password = Hash::make(Input::get('NewPassword'));
return Redirect::to('changepassword')->withInput()->with('Messages', 'The Password Information was Updated');
} else
return Redirect::to('changepassword')->withInput()->withErrors($validator);
public function ProfileLayout()
$user = Auth::user()->id;
$ProfileDetailsbyid = ProfileModel::where('id', $user)->get()->toArray();
return View::make('settings/profile/profile')->with('ProfileDetailsbyid', $ProfileDetailsbyid);
public function ProfileUpdateProcess($data=NULL)
$user = Auth::user()->id;
$ProfileDetailsbyid = ProfileModel::where('id', $user)->get()->toArray();
$ProfileData = array_filter(Input::except(array('_token')));
$validation = Validator::make($ProfileData, ProfileModel::$rules);
if ($validation->passes())
Input::file('Photo')->move('assets/uploads/profilephoto/', $user . '-Photo.' . Input::file('Photo')->getClientOriginalName());
$Photo=$user.'-Photo.' . Input::file('Photo')->getClientOriginalName();
$affectedRows = ProfileModel::where('id', $user)->update($ProfileData);
return Redirect::to('profile')->with('Message', 'Profile Details Update Succesfully')->with('ProfileDetailsbyid', $ProfileDetailsbyid);
} else
return Redirect::to('profile')->withInput()->withErrors($validation->messages())->with('ProfileDetailsbyid', $ProfileDetailsbyid);
class ClassModel extends Eloquent
protected $primaryKey = 'AutoID';
protected $created_at = 'CreatedAt';
protected $updated_at = 'UpdatedAt';
protected $table = 'class';
protected $guarded = array('GradeName');
protected $fillable = array('GradeName');
public function batch(){
return $this->hasMany('BatchModel', 'Class');
public function studentadmissionresult(){
return $this->hasMany('StudentAdmissionModel', 'StudentCourse');
public $timestamps = true;
public static $rules = array(
'GradeName' => array('required', 'unique:class','regex:/^./'),
'GradeSection' => 'required',
'GradeCode' => array('required', 'unique:class')
public static $updaterules = array(
'GradeName' => array('required','regex:/^./'),
'GradeSection' => 'required',
'GradeCode' => array('required')
I following this tutorial:
I have try following command :
composer require maatwebsite/excel": "~1.2.1
This actually has nothing to do with the package you are installing.
When recreating the autoload files (composer dump-autoload
) after the update Composer detected that you have two classes with the exact same name (but in different files).
Class SettingsController
in SettingsController.php
and SettingsControllerBackup.php
and class ClassModel
in ClassModel.php
and LoginModel.php
Composer will then choose to use one of the two (I'm not sure how it makes that decision, it's probably just the first one it finds) and will ignore the other occurrence.
A good and common practice is to name the class like the file. This is a simple way to avoid such collisions because two files in the same directory can't have the same name.