I am trying to create 2 cropped thumbnails (60x60 and 150x150) from a normal sized image. Everything works fine apart from the cropping, which does not work. That part is producing a thumbnail with a black line down the right side like this:
. ...
. ...
. ...
The resizing works fine, as the end thumbnails have the correct heights of 60 and 150 (working from a landscape image as the original) but they still come out landscape.
What I have:
list($thumb_width, $thumb_height) = getimagesize($thumb_target);
if ($thumb_width > $thumb_height) { // landscape
$thumb1_new_height = 60;
$thumb1_new_width = floor( $thumb_width * ( $thumb1_new_height / $thumb_height ));
$thumb1_crop_x = ceil(($thumb_width - $thumb_height) / 2);
$thumb1_crop_y = 0;
$thumb2_new_height = 150;
$thumb2_new_width = floor( $thumb_width * ( $thumb2_new_height / $thumb_height ));
$thumb2_crop_x = ceil(($thumb_width - $thumb_height) / 2);
$thumb2_crop_y = 0;
else if ($thumb_width < $thumb_height){ // portrait
$thumb1_new_width = 60;
$thumb1_new_height = floor( $thumb_height * ( $thumb1_new_width / $thumb_width ));
$thumb1_crop_x = 0;
$thumb1_crop_y = ceil(($thumb_height - $thumb_width) / 2);
$thumb2_new_width = 150;
$thumb2_new_height = floor( $thumb_height * ( $thumb2_new_width / $thumb_width ));
$thumb2_crop_x = 0;
$thumb2_crop_y = ceil(($thumb_height - $thumb_width) / 2);
} else { // square
$thumb1_new_width = 60;
$thumb1_new_height = 60;
$thumb1_crop_x = 0;
$thumb1_crop_y = 0;
$thumb2_new_width = 150;
$thumb2_new_height = 150;
$thumb2_crop_x = 0;
$thumb2_crop_y = 0;
$thumb1_tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb1_new_width,$thumb1_new_height);
$thumb2_tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($thumb2_new_width,$thumb2_new_height);
imagecopyresampled($thumb1_tmp_img, $thumb_img, 0, 0, $thumb1_crop_x, $thumb1_crop_y, $thumb1_new_width, $thumb1_new_height, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
imagecopyresampled($thumb2_tmp_img, $thumb_img, 0, 0, $thumb2_crop_x, $thumb2_crop_y, $thumb2_new_width, $thumb2_new_height, $thumb_width, $thumb_height);
I think you are going wrong in your thumb1_tmp_img
near the end. I made this a class so I didn't have to duplicate so much like you have, but you can see the changes. See if this does it for you:
class ImageFactory
public function MakeThumb($thumb_target = '', $width = 60,$height = 60,$SetFileName = false, $quality = 80)
$thumb_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($thumb_target);
// size from
list($w, $h) = getimagesize($thumb_target);
if($w > $h) {
$new_height = $height;
$new_width = floor($w * ($new_height / $h));
$crop_x = ceil(($w - $h) / 2);
$crop_y = 0;
else {
$new_width = $width;
$new_height = floor( $h * ( $new_width / $w ));
$crop_x = 0;
$crop_y = ceil(($h - $w) / 2);
// I think this is where you are mainly going wrong
$tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height);
imagecopyresampled($tmp_img, $thumb_img, 0, 0, $crop_x, $crop_y, $new_width, $new_height, $w, $h);
if($SetFileName == false) {
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
// Initiate class
$ImageMaker = new ImageFactory();
// Here is just a test landscape sized image
$thumb_target = 'http://media1.santabanta.com/full6/Outdoors/Landscapes/landscapes-246a.jpg';
// 60px x 60px
// Here is a portrait for testing
$thumb_target = 'http://imgc.allpostersimages.com/images/P-488-488-90/55/5543/L6HLG00Z/posters/warning-you-are-entering-a-fart-zone.jpg';
// 150px x 150px