I'm developing something in Livecode and I have been experimenting with using Mavericks own in-built php server. I started the server by sending the following command through shell...
php -S localhost:8000
This enabled PHP to run successfully through localhost:8000/
However, I can not work out how to stop/disable PHP now in order to continue testing starting it - when I previously started PHP through the terminal I was able to do ctrl+c to stop php running but since I do not yet know how to do this through my app I get this error instead...
Failed to listen on localhost:8000 (reason: Address already in use)
Anybody know how I can stop it either via the terminal or through my Livecode app? Attempts to stop it through the terminal using just ctrl+c do not work
open a terminal and type:
ps -ef | grep php
it will list the php process with the pid (process id)
something like
$ ps -ef | grep php
501 14263 14133 0 10:25AM ttys001 0:00.21 php -S localhost:8000
501 14355 14265 0 10:25AM ttys002 0:00.00 grep php
The note the number for the line that lists your php process, the second column is your pid in the example the process id us 14263, kill it:
$ kill 14263
do another ps
$ ps -ef | grep php
501 14358 14265 0 10:26AM ttys002 0:00.00 grep php
The process should not be listed anymore