I've run artisan migrate:reset
I've deleted some of my migration files because I didn't need these tables anymore.
I ran composer dump-autoload
followed by artisan dump-autoload
I ran artisan migrate
and I keep getting this error:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Foo' not found in /vagrant/LaravelBackend/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Migrations/Migrator.php on line 297
I tried to:
Run again composer dump-autoload
and artisan dump-autoload
(also used artisan clear-compiled
Remove the migration table and run artisan migrate:install
Remove the vendor and composer.lock file and run composer install
Search within my project with PHPStorm for class Foo. Didn't find anything.
I keep getting the same error. It's the first time I run this since I updated to 4.2 if that could be related. Anything else I should be looking for?
I had this problem too. Must remember: class name must be in accordance with filename. Simple file renaming helped me:)
For example: in file "2014_12_08_100923_create_items_tables.php" must be class with name "CreateItemsTables" with using CamelCase words.