Symfony error The class XXX was not found in the chain configured namespaces XXX

user1834464 picture user1834464 · Apr 2, 2014 · Viewed 60.5k times · Source

There are some other questions on this subject already, but none of them were really helpful. I am new to Symfony, so it's pretty hard to get my head around it.

I am in the file Client\IntranetBundle\LDAP\LDAPAuthenticationProvider.php and this code is causing an error:

$user = new LDAPUser($username);

I did add it's namespace which is:

use Client\IntranetBundle\LDAP\LDAPUser;

LDAPUser implements UserInterface

The error I get is

The class 'Client\IntranetBundle\LDAP\LDAPUser' was not found in the chain
configured namespaces Client\ClientBundle\Entity

What is that suppose to mean? From what I read it has something to do with the mapping.

My Doctrine orm in the config.yml is set to:

    auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug%
    auto_mapping: true

Hopefully you can help me.

EDIT #1:

Actually, I found out that it was not

$user = new LDAPUser($username);

That is causing the error, but it is when I am trying to persist this entity:


EDIT #2:

I'm confused with what's wrong with the mapping:

<doctrine-mapping xmlns=""

<entity name="Client\IntranetBundle\LDAP\LDAPUser" table="users" repository-class="Client\ClientBundle\Repository\UserRepository">
    <id name="id" type="integer" column="id">
        <generator strategy="AUTO" />
    <field name="username" column="username" type="string" length="100" />

Maybe it's because I'm jumping between two bundles?


Alberto Fern&#225;ndez picture Alberto Fernández · Apr 2, 2014

By default, the auto_mapping feature looks for entities under the Entity namespace, so given that your entity is not there, Doctrine does not know anything about it.

You need to put your entity under the Entity namespace or configure Doctrine by hand to add your custom entity namespace. This way you lose the auto_mapping feature, so you would need to register every bundle manually:

    auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug%
                    type: annotation
                    type: annotation
                    prefix: Client\IntranetBundle\LDAP\
                    dir: "%kernel.root_dir%/src/Client/IntranetBundle/LDAP/"
                    is_bundle: false

As you can see, it's better to put everything under the Entity namespace in your bundle and let Doctrine do the hard work.