In phalcon templating engine volt (which is similar to twig) you can fetch all records by :
{% for product in products %}
Name: {{ }}
Description: {{ product.description }}
price: {{ product.price}}
{% endfor %}
So, in my scenario, I'm building a crud template which will be used for different kind of models. What I wanted to achieve in this template is that every columns in this view are not hard-coded. So I store the columns I wanted to show into an array (defined in the controller, passed to the view) :
$cols = ['name','description','price']
In the view, to make it display all columns :
{% for product in products %}
{% for col in cols %}
{{ col }}: {{ product.col }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Obviously, this will result in error, because there is no "col" in product.
Is there any solution or alternative for this ?
While frustrated tinkering with volt extension, I found a simpler solution :
Convert the model object into array. In the controller : $products->toArray()
Simply, in the view, to display specific value of specific key from an array : {{ product[key] }}
Problem solved, though because it is now not in form of object, I can't access object property using dot like {{ product.some_field }}
, instead {{ product['some_field'] }}