Install dependency (doctrine/dbal) on composer laravel

elvainch picture elvainch · Mar 14, 2014 · Viewed 72.8k times · Source

I am trying to execute a migration to rename some columns and I got an exception.

As I read on the documentation I have to add the doctrine/dbal dependency to my composer.json file. How do I do that? Which is the correct composer.json file. I have many in my application. Is the one that is on the same level as the folders app,bootstrap, public and vendor.

If so how do I add that dependency. Do I have to download anything?

By the way im using easyphp, not wamp!

Edit 1

After doing that the console throws this error



Yogesh Yadav picture Yogesh Yadav · May 30, 2016

1) To install dependency , run this command

composer require doctrine/dbal

2) For 'git' is not recognized error, either you don't have git installed or the PATH is not added in the environment variables.

Install git for windows.