How to install oracle instantclient and pdo_oci on ubuntu machine?

skonsoft picture skonsoft · Feb 21, 2014 · Viewed 41.8k times · Source

I need to install PDO_OCI in ubuntu machine, there is no default package that I could install with apt-get.

There are a lot of tutorials showing how to do it, but when I follow them, I have problems related to compilation (configure, make,...)

Here what I did:

  1. I followed this Tutorial to install instant client

  2. Install oci8

    pecl install oci8

    I get error:

    error: oci.h not found

  3. Install PDO_OCI

    mkdir -p /tmp/pear/download/
    cd /tmp/pear/download/
    pecl download pdo_oci
    ./configure –with-pdo-oci=instantclient,/usr,11.2


    pdo_driver.h not found ...

Please do you have any serious tutorial that works perfectly on UBUNTU 12.04?


Andrey Grachev picture Andrey Grachev · Sep 8, 2014

The answer is a replication of this article (in Russian) which is in turn based on this post with some corrections. After several days of fruitless search it worked smoothly for me.


You should have administrator privileges

You should have php5 installed with the following packages:

sudo apt-get install php5 php5-dev php-pear php5-cli
sudo pecl install pdo

You should have libaio1 library installed:

sudo apt-get install libaio1

Installation of Oracle Instant Client

Dowload Oracle instant client for your processor architecture and OS from Oracle website (

For Linux there are 2 options of instant client: RPM package for Linux, CentOS, Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Mandriva Linux, SUSE Linux, etc. ZIP archive — for all others not supporting RPM.

There are 2 files to be downloaded:

instantclient-basic — Oracle instant client itself

instantclient-sdk — set of libraries for application development

Create directory for Oracle instant client ( /opt directory reserved for software extensions suits well for this purpose):

sudo mkdir -p /opt/oracle/

Move downloaded files to /opt/oracle and switch to destination folder (assuming that you downloaded "zip" archives to your user "downloads" directory):

sudo mv ~/downloads/instantclient-*.zip /opt/oracle/
cd /opt/oracle/

Extracting downloaded archives:

sudo unzip instantclient-basic-*-*.zip
sudo unzip instantclient-sdk-*-*.zip

Finally we have instantclient_11_2 directory created in /opt/oracle for Oracle instant client Rename this directory to instantclient (pay attention to version number) and switch to it:

sudo mv instantclient_11_2 instantclient
cd instantclient

Next we'll have to create several additional directories and symlinks (pay attention to version number):

sudo ln -s /opt/oracle/instantclient/* /opt/oracle/instantclient/
sudo ln -s /opt/oracle/instantclient/* /opt/oracle/instantclient/
sudo ln -s /opt/oracle/instantclient/ /opt/oracle/instantclient/lib

sudo mkdir -p include/oracle/11.2/
cd include/oracle/11.2/
sudo ln -s ../../../sdk/include client
cd -

sudo mkdir -p lib/oracle/11.2/client
cd lib/oracle/11.2/client
sudo ln -s ../../../ lib
cd -

Create configuration file containing name of directory where Oracle instant client libraries are to be searched for and enable it:

echo /opt/oracle/instantclient/ | sudo tee -a /etc/
sudo ldconfig

As far as there is not directory /usr/include/php in Ubuntu, but the client is still searchin for it, we'll create symlink to it's equivalent - php5:

sudo ln -s /usr/include/php5 /usr/include/php

Installation of OCI8

After previous actions oci8 extension is installed with pecl command:

sudo pecl install oci8

you will be prompted for path to Oracle instant client, respond with:


Creating extension connection file:

echo "; configuration for php oci8 module" | sudo tee /etc/php5/conf.d/oci8.ini
echo | sudo tee -a /etc/php5/conf.d/oci8.ini

Installation of PDO_OCI

For installation of PDO_OCI download it from pear repository (

Update pear packages list:

sudo pecl channel-update

Download and place archive to temp directory:

sudo mkdir -p /tmp/pear/download/
cd /tmp/pear/download/
sudo pecl download pdo_oci

Extract archive contents:

sudo tar xvf PDO_OCI*.tgz

Here we'll have to ammend config.m4 file as it does not contain information on our version of Oracle instant client. Open the file and add changes marked with "+" (pay attension to version number):

sudo vim config.m4

Below is the diff of 2 files:

*** 7,12 ****
--- 7,14 ----
if test -s "$PDO_OCI_DIR/orainst/unix.rgs"; then
PDO_OCI_VERSION=`grep '"ocommon"' $PDO_OCI_DIR/orainst/unix.rgs | sed 's/[ ][ ]*/:/g' | cut -d: -f 6 | cut -c 2-4`
+ elif test -f $PDO_OCI_DIR/lib/libclntsh.$SHLIB_SUFFIX_NAME.11.2; then
elif test -f $PDO_OCI_DIR/lib/libclntsh.$SHLIB_SUFFIX_NAME.10.1; then
elif test -f $PDO_OCI_DIR/lib/libclntsh.$SHLIB_SUFFIX_NAME.9.0; then
*** 119,124 ****
--- 121,129 ----
+ 11.2)
+ ;;
AC_MSG_ERROR(Unsupported Oracle version! $PDO_OCI_VERSION)

Prepare environment for php extension with phpize ( command:

sudo phpize

Configure package installer and install package (pay attention to version number):

sudo ./configure --with-pdo-oci=instantclient,/opt/oracle/instantclient/,11.2
sudo make
sudo make install

Create connection file for it:

echo "; configuration for php PDO_OCI module" | sudo tee /etc/php5/conf.d/pdo_oci.ini
echo | sudo tee -a /etc/php5/conf.d/pdo_oci.ini

Restart apache and check if extensions were installed:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
php -m