I cannot find a way to get the user's home directory (e.g. /home/jack; whatever ~ in bash points to) in PHP using CGI (suPHP). The $_ENV array is empty, and getenv('HOME') returns nothing.
The reason I want to do this is that in absense of configuration saying otherwise, I want to find variable files used by my application in /home/user/.myappnamehere, as most Linux applications do.
I've built something, but it's not the best; While it works, it assumes a lot about the system (e.g. the presence of /etc/passwd)
$usr = get_current_user();
$passwd = file('/etc/passwd');
$var = false;
foreach ($passwd as $line) {
if (strstr($line, $usr) !== false) {
$parts = explode(':', $line);
$var = realpath($parts[5].'/.report');
I think you want the result of either: http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.getmyuid.php or http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.posix-getuid.php sent to http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.posix-getpwuid.php