I want the random text from Lorem Ipsum so I can use it when generating webpages. I can't find any PHP functions that does this and I'm wondering if there's any publicly available libraries or APIs on sites that could be used to get some random text?
$content = file_get_contents('http://loripsum.net/api');
Docs in the bottom right of this page:
Just do a GET request on loripsum.net/api, to get some placeholder text. You can add extra parameters to specify the output you're going to get. Say, you need 10 short paragraphs with headings, use http://loripsum.net/api/10/short/headers. All of the possible parameters are:
- (integer) - The number of paragraphs to generate.
- short, medium, long, verylong - The average length of a paragraph.
- decorate - Add bold, italic and marked text.
- link - Add links.
- ul - Add unordered lists.
- ol - Add numbered lists.
- dl - Add description lists.
- bq - Add blockquotes.
- code - Add code samples.
- headers - Add headers.
- allcaps - Use ALL CAPS.
- prude - Prude version.
- plaintext - Return plain text, no HTML.