How to implement tamil font for my website?

Karthiga picture Karthiga · Aug 5, 2013 · Viewed 9k times · Source

I have developed the website in codeigniter, now i want to add tamil fonts in my website . Type the description in tamil, and add the description value into the description table desc colum and retrieve the desc values and display that tamil content to my website..


Kirk Backus picture Kirk Backus · Aug 5, 2013

You can do it with CSS3!

Before the functionality didn't actually exist beyond having the font pre-installed. Tamil fonts are unicode and often are ttf files. So make sure you have the ttf file on your web-server in order to have it available for use.

    font-family: myTamilFont;
    src: url(tamil_font.ttf);

    font-family: myTamilFont;

This will not work IE8 and below

For more information:

Similar question asked on StackOverflow: How to embed fonts in HTML?