I'm getting this annoying error and although I have an idea of why I'm getting it, I can't for the life of me find a solution to it.
if ($limit) {
$sth->bindValue(':page', $page - 1, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$sth->bindValue(':entries_per_page', $page * $entries_per_page, PDO::PARAM_INT);
Query contains placeholders (:placeholder
). But to add those LIMIT placeholders, I need to use the manual method (bindValue
) because otherwise the engine will turn them into strings.
I'm not getting the Invalid number of parameters error, so all placeholders have been bound correctly (I assume).
SELECT `articles`.*, `regional_municipalities`.`name` AS `regional_municipality_name`,
`_atc_codes`.`code` AS `atc_code`, `_atc_codes`.`name` AS `substance`
FROM `articles`
LEFT JOIN `_atc_codes`
ON (`_atc_codes`.`id` = `articles`.`atc_code`)
JOIN `regional_municipalities`
ON (`regional_municipalities`.`id` = `articles`.`regional_municipality`)
WHERE TRUE AND `articles`.`strength` = :strength
GROUP BY `articles`.`id`
ORDER BY `articles`.`id`
LIMIT :page, :entries_per_page
All placeholder values reside in $criteria, except for the last two LIMIT, which I manually bind with bindValue()
This same error 2031 can be issued when one bind two values with the same parameter name, like in:
$sth->bindValue(':colour', 'blue');
$sth->bindValue(':colour', 'red');
..so, beware.