I'm trying to use the Php Code Sniffer plugin in Jenkins. It generates a checkstyle.xml file but there are no errors inside, and I know that I should have.
Here's the containt of my checkstyle.xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<checkstyle version="1.5.0RC2">
My build.xml file for Jenkins is :
<target name="phpcs" >
<exec executable="phpcs">
<arg line="--report=checkstyle
${project.basedir}/*.php" />
And when i do it in command line, I have a different result. My command :
phpcs --report=checkstyle --report-file=checkstyle.xml --standard=Zend *.php
It generates the same checkstyle.xml with no errors, and a phpcs-checkstyle.tmp which contains the errors.
How can I do to have the results with the errors in my checkstyle.xml file ?
I think your problem is that you are suffering from this bug: http://pear.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=19930
The bug only occurs in the RC version you are using.
Reverting to the current stable version (1.4.5) should get things working again for you.