PHP_CodeSniffer rules documentation

Alexander picture Alexander · May 7, 2013 · Viewed 9k times · Source

Where is it possible to find documentation on PHP_CodeSniffer rules available? Seems to me like the rules exist, but nobody knows the list of them and their properties. I faced the essential problem, I want to customize a standard and force curly brace start on the same line after statement divided by one space and cannot see any way to do it. And this is only one issue, but I have many others. Thank you.


rchavarria picture rchavarria · Jul 31, 2015

Looking at the source code can be frightening, but in the end, if you want to list all possible rules (or sniffs as PHP_CodeSniffer calls them) you have to look at the source code.

I had the same problem, and I used three techniques:

1. Option -s

phpcs command has an option that outputs the identifier of not followed sniffs. Let's look at an example:

$ phpcs -p -s --extensions=php /path/to/my/source/code

...E...E....W.....W..E.............W........................  60 / 723 (8%)
.......................W.................................... 120 / 723 (17%)
.............................W..W....E..................E..E 180 / 723 (25%)

 60 | ERROR   | [x] Line indented incorrectly; expected at least 2 spaces,
    |         |     found 0 (Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent.Incorrect)
 61 | WARNING | Comment refers to a TODO task "Improve readability"
    |         | (Generic.Commenting.Todo.TaskFound)

... output has been truncated
Time: 2 mins, 9.46 secs; Memory: 25.5Mb

In the report, each error or warning outputs the sniff.

2. ruleset.xml files in the source code

The configuration of which rules must be followed or ignored in a project are usually defined in a ruleset.xml file. The PHP_CodeSniffer source code has some examples of them. PHP_CodeSniffer defines several standards: Generic, PSR1, PSR2,... Each of them has a ruleset.xml file. You can learn from them how to create your own.

This technique requires you to look at the source code, but you just need to read files similar to what you probably have in your project. For example, you can find the ruleset.xml file for PSR2 standard under the CodeSniffer/Standards/PSR2 folder.

3. Eventually, the source code

In the end, if you want the comprehensive list of sniffs, you need to extract them from the source code. Let's decode how sniff identifiers are built.

It's easy to know the PHP class that implements a sniff. For example, let's take Generic.Commenting.Todo.TaskFound. The three first tokens mean:

  1. Generic: it is the standard, and it defines the standard's folder CodeSniffer/Standards/Generic
  2. Commenting: it is the sniff group under the standard, and it also points to a folder inside the standard: CodeSniffer/Standards/Generic/Sniffs/Commenting
  3. Todo: it is the sniff, and it is implemented in a class called <sniff name>Sniff.php

So, we have that Generic.Commenting.Todo.TaskFound sniff is implemented in the CodeSniffer/Standards/Generic/Sniffs/Commenting/TodoSniff.php class.

We can do the other way around. If we know the path to a PHP class, we are able to know the sniff PHP_CodeSniffer is going to report. For example, the class implemented in CodeSniffer/Standards/Squiz/Sniffs/NamingConventions/ValidFunctionNameSniff.php will generate sniffs with the identifier Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.