I'm using the DomCrawler component: http://symfony.com/doc/current/components/dom_crawler.html
I'd like to, using the CSS like syntax, get an element with a specific attribute value.
Here's the code I'm using:
$link = $crawler->filter('#product a[data-type="bla"]');
This seems to work, as the following returns 1:
echo count($link);
However, I can never not filter further than this. I can not do:
This results in the following error message:
The current node list is empty.
However, I know for certain that it isn't.
I've tried the syntax on other elements and it's always the same. I am doing something wrong or is this not possible (with css like syntax, not xpath)
I can not follow your problem. Using the current development versions (and also 2.1.0 and 2.2.0 versions) of the two software libraries dom-crawler and css-selector, the example code you provided works just fine considering the following example HTML:
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
// require dependencies here
$html = <<<'HTML'
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p class="message">Hello World!</p>
<p>Hello Crawler!</p>
<div id="product">
<a data-type="bla">
<img src="OK">
$crawler = new Crawler($html);
$link = $crawler->filter('#product a[data-type="bla"]');
echo var_dump(count($link));
As you can see this is exactly your code (only a little different but essentially not), which gives the following output verbatim:
string(2) "OK"
The first output line is the count()
and the second is the src attribute value.
Have you run composer update? Have you double-checked the input?