For the first time im using mpdf library and everything worked fine. I wrote a script to create pdf file which consist a table of 274 rows. When i run the script i get php memory error. I tried different scenario but i get the same memory error. Please help me to solve this error. I have listed below different scenario and its result.
php.ini = memory_limit = 256M
script = ini_set('memory_limit', '25M');
memory_get_usage() = 12.75 mb
memory_get_peak_usage() = 12.75 mb
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 26214400 bytes exhausted
(tried to allocate 261904 bytes)
in C:\xampp\htdocs\XX\lib\pdf\mpdf\mpdf.php on line 14268
php.ini = memory_limit = 256M
script = ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
memory_get_usage() = 12.75 mb
memory_get_peak_usage() = 12.75 mb
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 1898971136)
(tried to allocate 261904 bytes)
in C:\xampp\htdocs\XX\lib\pdf\mpdf\mpdf.php on line 14265
Tables memory usage can be decreased using several options. official doc here