I am trying to add some attachments to an email that is being sent using the mandrill api via a php wrapper. I have tried a number of different things to try to successfully attach the file but to no avail. I am using cakephp 2.x but I don't think that has any particular significance in this instance (maybe it does?!). I am using the php wrapper maintained by mandrill at https://bitbucket.org/mailchimp/mandrill-api-php
Here is the code:
$mandrill = new Mandrill(Configure::read('Site.mandrill_key'));
$params = array(
'html' => '
<p>Hi '.$user['User']['name'].',</p>
<p>tIt is that time of the year again.<br />
<a href="http://my-site.com/members/renewal">Please login to the website members area and upload your renewal requirements</a>.</p>
<p>Kind regards.</p>',
"text" => null,
"from_email" => Configure::read('Site.email'),
"from_name" => Configure::read('Site.title'),
"subject" => "Renewal Pending",
"to" => array(array('email' => $user['User']['email'])),
"track_opens" => true,
"track_clicks" => true,
"auto_text" => true,
"attachments" => array(
'path' => WWW_ROOT.'files/downloads/renewals',
'type' => "application/pdf",
'name' => 'document.pdf',
$mandrill->messages->send($params, true);
This shows that an attachment has been added to the email and is a pdf but the actual pdf has not been attached. I also tried by adding the path directly onto the file as in:
"attachments" => array(
'type' => "application/pdf",
'name' => WWW_ROOT.'files/downloads/renewals/document.pdf',
I have googled and read every article I can find but cannot find any specific reference as to how I should specify the path for mandrill to correctly attach my attachment.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
OK. So thanks to Kaitlin for her input. The PHP way to deal with this is to get the file and then base64_encode it:
$attachment = file_get_contents(WWW_ROOT.'files/downloads/file.pdf');
$attachment_encoded = base64_encode($attachment);
and then in the attachments part of the mandrill array you pass the :
"attachments" => array(
'content' => $attachment_encoded,
'type' => "application/pdf",
'name' => 'file.pdf',
So easy! Thanks again Kaitlin!