I'm looking for a way to generate a big random number with PHP, something like:
mt_rand($lower, $upper);
The closer I've seen is gmp_random() however it doesn't allow me to specify the lower and upper boundaries only the number of bits per limb (which I've no idea what it is).
EDIT: Axsuuls answer seems to be pretty close to what I want and very similar to gmp_random however there seems to be only one flaw in one scenario.
Suppose I wan't to get a random number between:
So if the function is called BigRandomNumber():
BigRandomNumber($length = 31);
This can easily return 9999999999999999999999999999999 which is out of the specified boundary.
How can I use a min / max boundary instead of a length value?
BigRandomNumber('1225468798745475454898787465154', '1225468798745475454898787465200');
This should return a random number between 1225468798745475454898787465 [154 .. 200].
For the reference I believe the solution might have to make use of the function supplied in this question.
EDIT: The above post was deleted, here it is:
function compare($number1, $operator, $number2) {
$x = bccomp($number1, $number2);
switch($operator) {
case '<':
return -1===$x;
case '>':
return 1===$x;
case '=':
case '==':
case '===':
return 0===$x;
case '!=':
case '!==':
case '<>':
return 0!==$x;
Try the following:
function BigRandomNumber($min, $max) {
$difference = bcadd(bcsub($max,$min),1);
$rand_percent = bcdiv(mt_rand(), mt_getrandmax(), 8); // 0 - 1.0
return bcadd($min, bcmul($difference, $rand_percent, 8), 0);
The math is as following: multiply the difference between the minimum and maximum by a random percentage, and add to the minimum (with rounding to an int).