I have a SQLite Database with the following structure:
rowid ID startTimestamp endTimestamp subject
1 00:50:c2:63:10:1a 1000 1090 entrance
2 00:50:c2:63:10:1a 1100 1270 entrance
3 00:50:c2:63:10:1a 1300 1310 door1
4 00:50:c2:63:10:1a 1370 1400 entrance
I have prepared a sqlfiddle here: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/fe8c6/2
With this SQL-Query i can get the average differences between the endTime and the startTime between one row and the following row, sorted by subject and ID:
( MAX(endtimestamp) - MIN(startTimestamp)
- SUM(endtimestamp-startTimestamp)
) / (COUNT(*)-1) AS averageDifference
WHERE ID = '00:50:c2:63:10:1a'
AND subject = 'entrance'
My problem: To calcute the average value is no problem, that does this query. But how can i get the standard deviation and the variance of this values?
For formulas that are more complex than simple summation, you have to compute the actual difference values for each record by lookin up the corresponding next start times, like this:
SELECT (SELECT MIN(startTimestamp)
FROM table1 AS next
WHERE next.startTimestamp > table1.startTimestamp
AND ID = '...'
) - endTimestamp AS timeDifference
FROM table1
WHERE nextStartTimestamp IS NOT NULL
AND ID = '...'
Then you can use all the difference values to do the calculations:
SELECT SUM(timeDifference) / COUNT(*) AS average,
AVG(timeDifference) AS moreEfficientAverage,
SUM(timeDifference * timeDifference) / COUNT(*) -
AVG(timeDifference) * AVG(timeDifference) AS variance
FROM (SELECT (SELECT MIN(startTimestamp)
FROM table1 AS next
WHERE next.startTimestamp > table1.startTimestamp
AND next.ID = '...'
) - endTimestamp AS timeDifference
FROM table1
WHERE nextStartTimestamp IS NOT NULL
AND ID = '...')