How can I use PHPDoc to type-hint the parameters of a Callable?

ringmaster picture ringmaster · Nov 30, 2012 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

I have a method that accepts a callback as a parameter. I would like to provide a parameter signature for the callback as PHPDoc so that my IDE (PHPStorm) can produce valid type hints for functions that are passed to my method, or at least someone looking at the code can determine the signature of the callback they're intended to provide.

For example:

class Foo {
  public $items = [];
  * @param Callable(
  *   @param ArrayObject $items The list of items that bar() will return
  * ) $baz A callback to receive the items
  public function bar(Callable $baz) {
    $items = new ArrayObject($this->items);

The method bar has one parameter, $baz, which is a callback function. Any function passed as an parameter to bar() must accept an ArrayObject as its only parameter.

Ideally, it should be possible to include multiple parameters for the Callable, just like for any other method.

When I write the following code:

$foo = new Foo();

...I should then receive a parameter list that correctly hints the type (ArrayObject) of the accepted parameter for this function call.

Is such a thing possible? Does PHPStorm or another IDE support it? Is there a recommended/standard way of documenting this even if there is no IDE support?


rckd picture rckd · Mar 16, 2017

PHP 7+:

Using an interface for the callable combined with anonymous classes will do the trick. It's not very handy and leads to bit too complex code for the class-consumer, but currently it's the best solution in terms of static code-analysis.

 * Interface MyCallableInterface
interface MyCallableInterface{
     * @param Bar $bar
     * @return Bar
    public function __invoke(Bar $bar): Bar;

 * Class Bar
class Bar{
     * @var mixed
    public $data = null;

 * Class Foo
class Foo{
     * @var Bar
    private $bar = null;

     * @param MyCallableInterface $fn
     * @return Foo
    public function fooBar(MyCallableInterface $fn): Foo{
        $this->bar = $fn(new Bar);
        return $this;

 * Usage
(new Foo)->fooBar(new class implements MyCallableInterface{
    public function __invoke(Bar $bar): Bar{
        $bar->data = [1, 2, 3];
        return $bar;

If you're using PhpStorm it will even auto-generate the __invoke-Method's signature & body within the anonymous class.