In CakePhp, how can I retrieve only one column from my database?

Sandy picture Sandy · Nov 21, 2012 · Viewed 16.3k times · Source

I have a very simple application with 1 table, each row contains a word, it's definition, and an example.

The definition and example fields are varchars(5000).

On every page, I have a sidebar which displays the list of words. After a certain number of words I started getting the following error:

Error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted

The code in the controller that sets the variable used in the Element:

$this->set('allWords', $this->Word->find('all', array('order' => array('Word.text ASC'))));

I suspect that the find method reads in all the row data, including the definition and example, which I really don't need at this moment, and this causes the error.

Is there any way to just read the id and the word, and not the definition and example values for each row?


Inside my Element I loop through the $allWords array to print out each word along with a link:

echo '<h3>Words ('.count($allWords).')</h3>';
echo $this->Html->link('Add new', array('controller' => 'words', 'action' => 'add'));
echo '<br/><br/>';

foreach($allWords as $thisWord)
    echo $this->Html->link($thisWord['Word']['text'], array('controller' => 'words', 'action' => 'edit', $thisWord['Word']['id']));

    if( ($thisWord['Word']['example'] == '') || ($thisWord['Word']['definition'] == '') )
        echo '&nbsp;' . $this->Html->image('warning.png');
    echo '<br \>';

It appears that if I comment out the inner part of the foreach loop, I don't get the memory error.

The SQL output in this case is:

SELECT `Word`.`id` FROM `idioms`.`words` AS `Word` WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY `Word`.`text` ASC`

with 339 rows affected.



fedmich picture fedmich · Nov 21, 2012

Pass the fields parameters in your associated array


can you try this?

$this->set('allWords', $this->Word->find('all', array('order' => array('Word.text ASC'), 'fields'=>array('','Word.word') )));

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