There are plenty of questions asking how to do this the other way (converting from this format), but I can't find anything on how to output in the ISO 8601 duration format in PHP.
So I have a heap of duration strings in human readable format - I want to convert them into the ISO 8601 format on the fly to print the durations for HTML5 microdata. Below is a sample of some of the strings coming in, and how they should be formatted
"1 hour 30 minutes" --> PT1H30M
"5 minutes" --> PT5M
"2 hours" --> PT2H
I can push the string into an interval object in PHP:
date_interval_create_from_date_string("1 hour 30 minutes");
but there doesn't seem to be a ISO 8601 output option
How should I approach this?
I'd convert it to a number first, then work with that.
First, use strtotime()
$time = strtotime("1 hour 30 minutes", 0);
Then you can parse it for duration, and output in PnYnMnDTnHnMnS
format. I'd use the following method (inspired by
function time_to_iso8601_duration($time) {
$units = array(
"Y" => 365*24*3600,
"D" => 24*3600,
"H" => 3600,
"M" => 60,
"S" => 1,
$str = "P";
$istime = false;
foreach ($units as $unitName => &$unit) {
$quot = intval($time / $unit);
$time -= $quot * $unit;
$unit = $quot;
if ($unit > 0) {
if (!$istime && in_array($unitName, array("H", "M", "S"))) { // There may be a better way to do this
$str .= "T";
$istime = true;
$str .= strval($unit) . $unitName;
return $str;
The result: